by Jose Mauricio Duque | May 4, 2011 | Freebies
12 Free eCommerce for your eStore/online banking projects in 5 colors. they are very subtle and whats best in several vector formats. What I like the most of them if they tech and minimalist feeling. Perfect for trendy sites. Hope you like them. Download This work is...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Apr 26, 2011 | Freebies
Snap2objects is going to have a fashionista period with some male and female models silhouettes. The firsts ones to strike a pose will be the guys. They were created, because I have never saw fashion silhouettes around. The closest I have seen are tacky sexy ones. I...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Apr 19, 2011 | Freebies
7 Free Vector men silhouettes in motion they jump, dance and run along with thier female counterparts. These guys are made in the same fashion of the last set of motion silhouettes, meaning they are made of several parts, enabling a easier adaptation to your project...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Apr 15, 2011 | Freebies
7 free vectors gorgeous women dancing, jumping and stretching their curvaceous bodys in motion. These Silhouettes have a nice added value: they are made from several pieces, I mean they are no just a stark object made of one curve. They are composed by hair, skin,...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Apr 5, 2011 | Freebies
It has been quite some time since the last post, I know, I know… I missed you too guys. I hope to get the blog alive and kicking again in no time. For that matter I have a new emily, I mean assistant, his name is JQ aka José Quintero, he is talented young guy...
by GuestPost | May 19, 2010 | Freebies
Well well well, our friend Carlos in another burst of generosity have provide us 9 simple but stylish eCommerce related vector icons. Hope you like them “snappers” (as he said to us lol.) Words from the author. Hi snappers, the basis for new banking is...
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