by Jose Mauricio Duque | Feb 8, 2008 | Reference
Last week I had the opportunity to interview Chris Coyier from and he gave us his approach on css-coding. In that interview he describes how his coding process can be resumed in five steps which I wanted to review again for you in this post. Chris: The...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Jan 18, 2008 | Freebies, Reference
Your cousin asks for help on a presentation about wild life in Africa, but you have a deadline the same day with your client and he is already sending emails and trying to get you on instant messenger. Sounds familiar? Designers have to deal every day with...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Dec 13, 2007 | Inspiration, Reference, Trends
We have been talking about avoiding clichés lately, instead trying to reflect the unique personality of every business. That way our design will stand out among millions. Sometimes the hardest situations come when our clients ask us to implement some not-so-unique...
by GuestPost | Nov 26, 2007 | Reference
We all heard about Linux OS. There are a lot of myths about it, not very many people are using it (all Linux freaks won’t agree with me on this – but let’s face the truth – the Linux users are niche community). In this short article I would...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Nov 20, 2007 | Inspiration, Reference, Trends
A trend always appears as opposition to another. Detailed Gothic art was replaced with the pure straight lines from Greek temples in the Renaissance. The tons of hair spray, glitter and multicolor spandex 80’s were demolished by the black & white minimalism...
by Jose Mauricio Duque | Nov 17, 2007 | Freebies, Reference
These are a selection of 10 fonts from the urban fonts top 100, that I think fit with the Web 2.0 font trends. Please click on the image of each font to go to the download page on
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