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You don’t need to be a Mac fan to love the Mac OSX fisheye menu effect. This kind of menu has a lot of eye candy and it’s especially useful to arrange both long lists in small spaces and give a “physical” user interaction to the interface.
In this post I gathered 9 Open Source (free) Fisheye Menus for you to use on your on web project and give  them those “bells and whistles” you felt were missing.

A Fisheye for the Prototypejs Community

Positionabsolute Fisheye Menu


Icondock Fisheye Menu

A Mac OS X-style Dock In JavaScrip

A Mac OS X-style Dock In JavaScrip

NoGrays Docking Menu

Nogray Docking Menu Fisheye

Ndesign-studio Css Dock Menu

Ndesign-studio Css Dock Menu


euDock 2.0

euDock Fisheye Menu

Fisheye Component v0.3 Text and Images

Fisheye explorer

Marc Grabanski Fisheye Menu

Marc Grabanski Fisheye Menu