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Male versus Female Designers

Some time ago, we wrote the polemic article “70 designers that shaped the world”. After suggestions, we made the “Another 30 designers that shaped the world”. One thing that called attention was the few women present on the lists. Looking at the 100 designers, only 8...

Photography in colors: Pink

This week we’ll brighten up the Photography in Colors series with Pink. Check out the different tones and combinations for this sweet color. Pink: Mainly associated with female genres, it’s delicate and sweet. Suggests calm and tranquility, but also can indicate...

6 Photoshop Extreme Makeovers On Video

Beauty is a Photoshop product. Now days you can’t see a photograph, without wonder if it has been “photoshoped” or not. Some end results are really plausible other not that much. Here are 6 before and after extreme makeover videos using Photoshop. Watch the video on...