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How To Destroy The Web 2.0 Look

A trend always appears as opposition to another. Detailed Gothic art was replaced with the pure straight lines fromĀ  Greek temples in the Renaissance. The tons of hair spray, glitter and multicolor spandex 80’s were demolished by the black & white minimalism from the 90’s.
The web is no exception. In the beginning, there was no light on the web. It was awfully crowded, with dancing marquees, tedious frames, unbearable midis and annoying spinning @’s. It was the dark ages of the web. Then came refreshing empty spaces, vibrant, high contrast colors, lovely gradients, big text, original gloss shine effect, diagonal lines and, of course, reflected logos, came t0 our rescue. Everything was shiny, with that great ‘breand new’ smell. The Web 2.0 look was born.
But guess what?
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10 Inspirational Music Videos

Video killed the radio star and brought a whole new way to inspire us. Music videos and the environment generated by MTV has expanded the visual innovation and creativity to further limits where creativity, art, design and music collide in the most splendid, eye-catching and absurd ways.
It would certainly be impossible to talk about hundreds of videos which could be an example of that; however, I decided to share with you some of my favorite ones hoping that they could be a source of inspiration.
Let me know what you think, and share your favorite ones with us. I hope to come up with a categorized selection of videos with elevated design components where your picks could come in handy.
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Hunting inspiration? What about provocation?

Inspiration Inspiration INSPIRATION! It can be elusive, sometimes mean and many times just blocked! And you start to wonder: where are those infamous muses? And you spend hours trying to catch them, watching with puppy eyes other guy’s work.
And then two feelings fill your heart: despair and the can’t-keep-your-mouth-closed (or jaw dropped) feeling.
The first one, because we think, not in a million years will we craft such beauty; and the second one, well, hypnotized by those design wonders.
Been there?
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What Graphic Design has to thanks to Fidel Castro.

Back in 1958 Fidel Castro with a modest rebel army gains the power over Cuba.

Despite of his efforts to have an independent line he must conceal with the Russian influence on the new order. The Political posters from those years testifies that.

By 1965, in a time with tense relations with the Soviet Union, the Cubans came with more local flavor styles as a result of their own reality. A period of great artistic expression grows. The talented Cuban artists design cheerful, imaginative and stylish posters of traditional topics as a celebration of the revolution.
Such expressions became immortal like the memorable Che Guevara icon and his dreams about a world revolution.
In the 70’s artist freedom became suffocated as the relationship with the Soviet Union became closer tightening the revolutionary morality.
A brightful and innovate episode of the political poster’s era reached its end.
But its design legacy is still alive.
Let them inspire you.

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Let Vintage Wallpaper Spice Up Your Designs

You are looking at some new trendy webpage and get impressed by those rich floral textures and backgrounds, and wonder: where does that inspiration come from?
Inspiration is everywhere
Just have look around you and you will find precious sources. This time, it comes from the walls.
Antique wallpaper is an impressive source of inspiration. You can see them quietly embellishing the background of music videos, photos, prints and, of course, the web.
They go from geometric to lovely floral patterns. Suitable for a wide arrange of design pieces, not only because of their designs but also because of their harmonic color schemes.
Let them inspire you.
Floral Wallpaper
Floral Wallpaper
Floral Wallpaper
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