Make the logo Smaller
“All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites.”
Freepik: Best place to download Free Vectors and PSD resources.
As designers we are always in the hunt for coffee and design resources (and sometimes for our clients to pay). When I need to find resources I usually look for them in different sites. For vectors I go to good old vecteezy and for photographs I always go to (even though their inventory is not as good as it used to be); and of course the classic search in google images. Sounds like a hazzle, doesn’t it? well it is! Just until I found the all in one free vectors, photos and PSDs search engine.
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33 Examples of Gorgeous Anamorphic Art by Felice Varini
Now you see it, now you don’t. The Key principle of anamorphosis is a distorted perspective that is only visible as intended from a unique point of view.
This technique date to early renaissance in the 15th century, you can find early examples of it on the ceilings of churches in Rome by artist like Andrea Pozzo. However the first known example of perspective anamorphosis is Leonardo’s Eye.
This post showcase the best of Felice Varini a Swiss artist nominated for the 2000/2001 Marcel Duchamp Price. He is well known for his edgy geometric anamorphic perspectives installations.Which I find gorgeous and really contemporary. It is amazing the way he mixes simple geometrics with more complex modern structures or even more interesting when it contrasts with more tradicional interiors and landscapes like the first example of this list that was done in Versailles.
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34 Most innovative wedding invitations
Weddings can be a fairy tale or a complete disaster. They can be bland and traditional or a courageous adventure under the sea. But what all of us have in clear is, that weddings are a huge milestone in our lives. (Unless you are a hollywood star and you are for your in 5th divorce).
As important as a wedding can be so are its invitations, they must comunicate immediately the spirit and personality of the couple and the celebration that is about to take place. Thats why I have hand picked 34 of the most innovative weddings invitatios I found at etsy.
Hope you find some of them wishing to marry soon or at least to inspire to design one for one of your clients.
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Easy Photoshop Leaves Tutorial
Textures are something important to master when we work on simple designs. It helps to give more details without adding a heavier look the work. Today following with the fur tutorial we are gonna learn how make a leave texture and apply this effect to leaves of any shape.
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Art is like masturbation. Design is like sex.
Work for money, design for love
Work for money, design for love
Good design goes to heaven; bad design goes everywhere.
Good design goes to heaven; bad design goes everywhere.
— Mieke Gerritzen
Easy Metal Effect Tutorial in Photoshop
Metal finish is always a very usefull effect. But all the people goes for the complicated way. As an apple fan I’m in love with the clean anodising aluminium finis in Apple’s products.
So here is a very easy way to reach a very clean metal effect.
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Twitter/Ritalin Tablets Poster
Remember when Marge Simpson gave to Bart, Ritalin? he got so focused on what he was doing he didn’t wanted to go out and do other stuff than doing his homework. That is a similar effect that twitter (among other stuff: Crackberrys, Facebook even the harmless looking pinterest) has on us, not on me I #swear!
This is just a fun depiction of our favorite microblog and the infamous Ritaling drug.
Nothing can stop you now!
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The most innovative Paris Fashion Week A/W 2012 Invitations
The fashion world is a very pulsating and vertiginous business. Always looking for last trend or even better being trend setters. All this energy permeates not only the clothing per se, but also all the activities around it: music, video, cinema and of course graphic design and a these invitations are a great example of innovation and how well those brands communicate their true spirti through them.
Have a look to a pletora of creative ways to make an invitation, from bagage tags like Louis Vuitton to projected messages on the wall in key chains like Maison Martin Margiela.
CSS Killed the table star
Remember those times? When nested tables where the star assuring cross browser compatibility but a messy code to look at.
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Design is where science and art break even.
Design is where science and art break even.
— Robin Mathew
Deconstructed Portraits by David Delahunty
David Delahunty an Irish artist with very prolific career in several fields of action: Typography, Digital, print and identity. The incredible thing here is that he also finds time to participate in the awesome flickr group “Make something cool every day” and these incredible portraits are part of his submissions.
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Free Vector Club Flyer,Tutorial and Giveaway
Summer have just ended and we are back to school and to our work stations. But we must party while it is still warm! (and of course during winter to raise our body temperature). In order to celebrate spring we have two hot gals dancing for you all night, and completely free. (Well vectorized ones but hey! they are still gorgeous) read more…
Easy Smoke Tutorial in Photoshop
This is a very usefull, easy and professional effect for any idea you have in mind without the need to blend smoke photos to the design. And with the possibility to use the effect on all the canvas without fear of bad resolution. read more…
Easy PhotoShop Fur Effect Tutorial
Today I’m gonna start giving you little tips about how achieve basic textures to enhance the looks of you designs, we are gonna start with a basic fur texture (the same texture works to make grass too). read more…